

Social Media Training for Tourism, Food & Beverage Businesses

Social Media Training for Tourism, Food & Beverage Businesses in Wicklow – Stage 2

County Wicklow Partnership is delighted to offer micro and small sized tourism, food and beverage businesses based in Wicklow the opportunity to build their skills and confidence in social media during a free online training programme in 2022.

The training is delivered in two stages and CWP would like to welcome applications for Stage 2 which will be delivered over five sessions for “graduates” from Stage 1 as well as other tourism and food businesses that are active on social media already but are keen to enhance their impact.

Stage 1 was completed over five sessions between January and April 2022 and focused on basic social media skills for businesses that did not have a social media presence or whose social media accounts are inactive.



Applications for Stage 2 are now welcome. Places are limited. Please complete the application form [https://form.jotform.com/221094105669355] by Friday 2nd September.

The course starts September 14th. .

For more information, please contact susannagh@alicepr.com or see our FAQ.


Frequently Asked Questions


Who can apply for the training programme?

We welcome applications from micro to small-sized tourism and food & beverage businesses based in Wicklow and operating in the county, particularly tourism activity providers, accommodation providers and food and beverage producers.  A micro business has <10 employees and a small business has <50 employees. One participant from each business is invited to apply. Applications for are now welcome.


How many participants will be on the training programme?

When delivering training with a practical skills-focused outcome, our preference is to limit the number of participants to a maximum of 15 per session. This allows us to ensure our training programmes are as interactive and participatory as possible. Applications will be assessed on a first come, first served basis.


Where and when is the training programme held?

The training programme will be delivered online via Zoom on selected Wednesday afternoons at 2pm – 5.30pm. The dates and topics for stage two are listed below:

Stage 2

Session 1 will start on September 14th

The five sessions will take place online on Wednesdays. Each session will be three and a half hours, participants are expected to attend all sessions.


Who is delivering the training?

The training will be delivered by Alice PR & Events. Alice trainers are skilled in the delivery of interactive and practical training programmes, which are informed by their real-world experiences of working in marketing and public relations.

Trainers employ community development and adult education techniques in the delivery of training: sessions include interactive exercises, group discussions, and individual and group activities, with an emphasis on ensuring all participants can share their views, draw on their own experiences, and participate fully in the group.

Trainers use the same techniques online as in a physical setting. By keeping groups small, using breakout rooms, setting practical exercises, and offering more than one trainer for parts of the session, Alice ensures that training participants achieve the same learning outcomes and gain a greater understanding of how to use social media and have the confidence and skills to increase their activity on their social media accounts and in turn, increase their collective following.


Will there be support provided to participants outside of the sessions?

Yes. We will hold an online drop-in for participants between training sessions to answer any question you might have.


What equipment do I need?

The programme is delivered online so you will need a laptop or computer to attend. You will also need a smartphone to create and upload content to your social media platforms.


Who funds the Social Media Training for Tourism, Food & Beverage Businesses in Wicklow programme?

The Social Media for Tourism, Food & Beverage Businesses Programme is an initiative of County Wicklow Partnership with support from Wicklow Local Community Development Committee (LCDC).  This project has been funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development through the LEADER Programme and The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.


Is the training programme accredited?

In line with LEADER eligibility guidelines, the training programme is not accredited to any National Educational body. However, a certificate of completion will be issued to participants by the Training Body and County Wicklow Partnership.

LEADER / Rural Development Programme, News, Training