The Wicklow Child & Family Project provides a community based family support service in Wicklow Town and surrounding areas. The project is managed by County Wicklow Partnership and funded through TUSLA Child & Family Agency.
The Projects aims to provide services and supports that improves the quality of life for families while promoting the personal, social and educational development of children , young people and their parents always keeping the child at the forefront of our work.
The work carried out addresses issues such as:- parenting skills; parent / child relationships; relationship issues; separation; behavioural difficulties; alcohol & drug issues; domestic abuse; anger management; mental health issues; housing; finance. Project staff work closely with other agencies to avoid duplication of services .
When required the staff also deliver parenting courses and children groups that match the identified needs of the projects current client group. All work undertaken is dealt with sensitively and is strictly confidential.
Therapeutic Services:
The Wicklow Child & Family Project engages psychotherapists, family therapist, play therapist and counselling psychologists on a sessional basis to deliver both individual & family therapy to the families linked with the project. This service offers support around bereavement, child therapy, relationships, addiction, depression and suicidal tendencies. Additional funding supports the delivery of this service.
An additional aspect of the projects work is the effective interagency partnerships that enhance the services available to children and families within the community. The sharing of resources, skills and knowledge proves invaluable to families, prevents duplication of work and provides them with a much more cohesive approach when addressing their needs.
The Project works closely in collaboration with our Management company, County Wicklow Partnership, as well as statutory, voluntary and community agencies this collaboration is integral to the success of our service.
Main office, Salem Business Building, Abbey Street, Wicklow Town, Co wicklow A67 PN44
Contact Details:
Manager: Jenny Smith
Phone: (0404) 64725
Mobile: 087 1201393 Fax: (0404) 64720
Opening hours: 9.00am – 1pm, 2pm – 4.30pm Mon to Fri