

Opportunity to shape the next LEADER Programme in Wicklow

Wicklow Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) along with partners County Wicklow Partnership (CWP) and Wicklow County Council are preparing a new Local Development Strategy for the next LEADER Rural Development Programme.

They are holding a series of public meetings and inviting anyone interested in influencing what is included in the strategy to come to voice their thoughts and opinions at these meetings. Suzanne Campbell, RTE’s food and farming reporter and Wicklow native will preside over the events.

The meetings are being held across the county in the following locations:

The LEADER Rural Development Programme in Wicklow will have a budget of €5.2 million to spend on delivering the programme between Autumn of 2023 and 2027. The Local Development Strategy will be the guide on how this money is spent.

The LEADER Programme can fund projects in three thematic areas including Economic Development and Job Creation; Rural Infrastructure and Social Inclusion; and Sustainable Development of the Rural Environment and Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation.

Suggestions are being sought from the Wicklow Public on what should be included in Wicklow’s Local Development Strategy and what should be prioritised for funding.


For anyone who would like more information on the meetings, contact CWP on info@wicklowpartnership.ie or ring (0402) 20955


LEADER / Rural Development Programme, News