

Covid-19 Survival Tips for Parents #6

Deirdre O’Sullivan from our Wicklow Child and Family Project is back with Tip #6 on helping families cope during Covid 19 restrictions

Moving on from the 6 to 10-year-old age group, today’s survival tip will focus on our “tweens” (aged 11 – 13).  They are at the age where they are too young for some things and too old for others and we as parents need to take this into consideration when talking to them about the current situation. 

  • As with the younger age group, tweens only need age appropriate factual information from an accredited source such as the HSE. 
  • Limit their access to the news and social media, as currently it is very negative and not always accurate.  Access to this kind of information can cause an increase in stress and anxiety. 
  • Ensure that each day you do a one to one check in with your tween.  Don’t make a big issue of the check in or all you will get is an eye ball roll and a refusal to engage. 
  • Again ensure that if you are having a bad day, name it as this will normalise the negative feeling for them.
  • During your low key check in highlight some coping strategies that work for you.  This way you are showing your tween that you have bad days too and this is what you do to make them a little better.
  • Remember to remind them that they will not be able to “fix everything”, but a little better is better than nothing

Idea for Today

Tweens thrive on their connection with friends.  Make contact with their friend’s parents and organise a surprise Zoom meeting with them.  If that’s not available use Skype, What’s App or Messenger; whatever is available to you. 

Stay safe and have FUN!

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