Call for Festival & Event Applications 2019
LEADER / Rural Development Programme 2014 – 2020Call for Festival & Event Applications 2019County Wicklow Partnership on behalf of Wicklow LCDC invites organisers of festivals and events taking place in Co. Wicklow in 2019 to submit Expressions of Interest for funding under the LEADER / Rural Development Programme 2014-2020. A total budget of €100,000 is being made available to applicants and grant amounts will range between €5,000 (min) and €30,000 (max). Eligible costs include (but are not limited to) the purchase/rent of capital equipment, event management, PR and marketing support. Projects that demonstrate innovation and collaboration may be prioritised. Funding is being made available through the Economic Development, Enterprise Development & Job Creation Theme of the Rural Development Programme (Theme 1) under the subtheme Rural Towns. The targeted / Time limited call is a 2 stage process. Stage 1 – Submission of Expression of InterestShould you wish to be considered under this call you must submit a completed Expression of Interest (EOI) form to County Wicklow Partnership, 3rd Floor, Avoca River House, Bridgewater Centre, Arklow, Co. Wicklow by close of business on Friday 19th October 2018. EOI forms can be downloaded below Expression of Interest Form FESTIVAL CALL 2018 You can also contact us by phone on 0402 20955 or email Stage 2 – Application StageApplicants will be contacted to inform them if their Expression of Interest is deemed eligible under the Rural Development Programme. Projects that are considered to be eligible from EOI stage will then be invited to submit a full application for grant assistance. It is intended to hold a workshop(s) to advise and support participants in the preparation of this application. The deadline for completed applications is Wednesday the 19th December 2018. It is anticipated that promoters will be informed of the decision on their application by the end of March 2019. LEADER / Clár Forbartha Tuaithe 2014 – 2020Gairm ar Iarratais i gcomhair Féilte agus Imeachtaí 2019Tugann Comhpháirtíocht Chontae Chill Mhantáin thar ceann Coiste Forbartha Pobail Áitiúil (LCDC) Chill Mhantáin cuireadh do lucht eagraithe féilte agus imeachtaí a bheidh ag tarlú i gCo. Chill Mhantáin in 2019 chun Léirithe Spéise ar mhaoiniú a chur isteach faoi LEADER / Clár Forbartha Tuaithe 2014-2020. Tá buiséad iomlán €100,000 á chur ar fáil d’iarratasóirí agus beidh idir €5,000 (íosmhéid) agus €30,000 (uasmhéid) de dheontas ar fáil. I measc na gcostas incháilithe (ach níl siad teoranta dóibh) tá trealamh caipitil a cheannach/a fháil ar cíos, bainistiú imeachtaí, Caidreamh Poiblí agus tacaíocht margaíochta. Féadfar tús áite a thabhairt do thionscadail a léiríonn nuálaíocht agus comhoibriú. Tá maoiniú á chur ar fáil trí Théama um Fhorbairt Eacnamaíoch, Forbairt Fiontraíochta agus Cruthú Post den Chlár Forbartha Tuaithe (Téama 1) faoin fothéama Bailte Tuaithe. Is próiseas dhá chéim atá sa spriocghairm / am teoranta. Céim 1 – Léiriú Spéise a Chur IsteachI gcás inar mian leat go gcuirfí san áireamh thú faoin ngairm seo ní mór duit foirm um Léiriú Spéise (EOI) chomhlánaithe a chur isteach chuig Comhpháirtíocht Chontae Chill Mhantáin, 3ú hUrlár, Avoca River House, Bridgewater Centre, An tInbhear Mór, Co. Chill Mhantáin faoi dheireadh an lae Dé hAoine, 19 Deireadh Fómhair 2018. Tá foirmeacha Léiriú Spéise agus tuilleadh eolais ar fáil ar Féadfaidh tú glaoch orainn freisin ar 0402 20955 nó seol ríomhphost chuig Céim 2 – Céim an IarrataisRachfar i dteagmháil le hiarratasóirí le hinsint dóibh cibé an meastar a Léiriú Spéise a bheith incháilithe faoin gClár Forbartha Tuaithe. Tionscadail a measfar iad a bheith incháilithe ón gcéim Léiriú Spéise, tabharfar cuireadh dóibh ansin iarratas iomlán ar chúnamh deontais a chur isteach. Tá sé i gceist ceardlann(a) a chur ar siúl chun rannpháirtithe a chur ar an eolas agus tacú leo chun an t-iarratas seo a ullmhú. Is é an spriocdháta chun iarratais a chomhlánú Dé Céadaoin, 19 Nollaig 2018. Meastar go gcuirfear tionscnóirí ar an eolas faoin gcinneadh ar a n-iarratas faoi dheireadh an Mhárta 2019.