

Covid-19 Survival Tips for Parents #4

Can Smallies Get Anxious??? Yes they can. 

Children from birth to 5 years are unable to tell you what is wrong with them and how they are feeling.  This is where you as parents need to engage your “spidery senses” and figure out what is wrong.  The survival tips so far have talked about routine and consistency, this needs to be maintained now more than ever.  When a child has structure and routine it provides a sense of stability and allows them to feel in control of the situation as they know what is going to happen next. 

  • Continue to provide a consistent routine.  You can vary it a little such as activities etc. but getting up, going to bed, meal times and school should all be at the same time every day.   
  • Children take their cues from you, so if you are calm they’ll be calm. 
  • If you sense that your child is getting anxious or stressed do a calming activity with them such a snuggle story.  This is where they get a lovely cuddle while be told a story, one their familiar with is normally best at a time like this. 
  • Reassuring you child (here we go again) consistently also ensures that your children feel safe and secure. 
  • Touch is hugely important to small children and it makes them feel connected to others and grounded.  So you lucky things you can still give loads of hugs when the whole world has been told to social distance. 

Idea for Today

For very small babies and toddlers baby massage is hugely comforting.  All you need is a large warm towel or blanket, some cream or oil (ensuring that it suitable for babies) and a baby or toddler of course.  This is not just comforting to the little one but also helps to build attachment between you both. 

Stay safe and have FUN

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