

Covid 19 Survival Tips for Families #9

As the weeks go by, you come to realise that you are not just your child’s parent but their teacher, chef, psychologist, nurse, laundry maid, cleaner, entertainer, chauffer, the list is endless. In fact, if you paid each of the roles a minimum wage you would in fact be unable to afford yourself. So now we have established how invaluable you are how good are you at being your own first responder??? In survival Tip #2 we looked at ways to look after yourself as well as your family and like all of us we probably started off great but things may now have begun to slide. So a recap… …

  • Have you managed to keep a, yes here it is, CONSISTENT routine in your home? If not, time to re-establish the boundaries and structure. Consider, if things are manic around you, you cannot schedule time for you.
  • Remember the concept of “present to self” we introduced in Tip #2. It is not easy juggling all those jobs on a daily basis therefore you have to embrace self care. If you don’t look after you, who will????
  • As the restrictions lift meet up with a friend for some quality “me time” and adult conversation. Time away from your children helps you to recharge your batteries in preparation for whatever tomorrow may bring.
  • Visit a place you have missed, and I don’t mean Penny’s. Going into nature has a calming effect on everyone, and in Ireland we are spoiled for choice. We step away from chaos (which if you have children its part of daily life) into a slow, calm environment which if allowed will have the same effect on us.

Idea for Today

Try a new hobby such as yoga, there are loads of free online classes to participate in. If exercise is not your thing, there are also numerous mindfulness podcasts and online classes also. If that doesn’t work for you try getting out of your head and into your hands be it painting (décor or picture it’s up to you), gardening, knitting, DIY anything to just give your poor mind time off.

Stay safe and have FUN

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